Weekly maintenance

Údržba 12/18/12

The weekly maintenance will be conducted on  Wednesday at 10:00am (UTC+1).

Even the squirrels are in a Christmas mood! For this reason they have  switched the moon crystal game to Christmassy prizes from the 20th  December 2012 until the 9th January 2013. You can now receive the  following rewards there:

  • Christmas Feline Beanie
  • Father Christmas Costume
  • White Majestic Horse
  • Cash Whip
  • Cash Gemstone
  • Lucky Package

On top of this, you can buy a total of 3 tickets for the crystal  game with bonus points from the 20th until the 27th December.

Are you ready for a game against the squirrels?

Your 4Story-Team

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Požadavky: Tvé heslo musí obsahovat mezi 10 a 18 znaky, nejméně jedno velké a jedno malé písmeno a číslo. Zvláštní znaky nejsou povoleny.

Ve hře jsou platné naše Podmínky používání a Zásady ochrany osobních údajů.