Weekly maintenance

Údržba 05/07/14

The weekly maintenance will be conducted on Thursday at 9:00am (CEST).

We will apply following changes:

[graphic error] After failing gem upgrade wrong damage was displayed on weapon
[bug] Premium armour and magic ampoule can not be stored / traded
[bug] Missing portal in Hod map
[text] Life/ Mana ampoule give 8% buff
[polishing]Hopping mounts have displayed duration
[polishing]Level up reward lvl 65 will give secret doc lvl 70
[usability]Global cooldown on skills is applied only when skills from same group are being used
[polishing]Content of pearls sold by Rusiela (http://en.4story.gameforge.com/npc/details/26360) is now adjusted and the pearls are tradable and sellable again.

Your 4Story-Team

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